Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Creamy Corn and Capsicum Maggie with Maggie crisps

Proficient in cooking is everyone's dream, particularly a woman. Yet sometimes we also are harassed about what menu to cook. If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Creamy Corn and Capsicum Maggie with Maggie crisps recipe here. Also uncover a wide variety of recipes here.

Creamy Corn and Capsicum Maggie with Maggie crisps

Before we start cooking this Creamy Corn and Capsicum Maggie with Maggie crisps recipe, study here article about guidelines for healthy living Foods That Can Make You Happy.

A lot of us think that comfort foods are bad for us and that we must stay away from them. At times, if your comfort food is a sugary food or some other junk food, this holds true. Soemtimes, comfort foods can be perfectly healthy and good for us to eat. Several foods actually do raise your mood when you eat them. When you are feeling a little down and need an emotional boost, try some of these.

Eggs, believe it or not, can be really great at beating back depression. Just see to it that you do not throw out the egg yolk. Every time you want to cheer yourself up, the egg yolk is the most important part of the egg. Eggs, the egg yolks in particular, are rich in B vitamins. B vitamins can genuinely help you boost your mood. This is because these vitamins improve the function of your brain's neural transmitters (the parts of the brain that dictate how you feel). Try to eat an egg and feel happier!

See, you don't need to stuff your face with junk food when you wish to feel better! Try several of these instead!

After studying the thing above, I hope you'll profit from the information for organic living. Now let's go back to creamy corn and capsicum maggie with maggie crisps recipe. You can have creamy corn and capsicum maggie with maggie crisps using 12 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Creamy Corn and Capsicum Maggie with Maggie crisps:

  1. Provide 4 packets of Maggie.
  2. Provide of Capsicum (sliced).
  3. Take of Onions (sliced).
  4. You need of Sweet Corn.
  5. You need 1 tablespoon of Garlic (chopped).
  6. Use 1 teaspoon of black pepper powder.
  7. Get 1 teaspoon of oregano.
  8. Take 1 teaspoon of red chilli flakes.
  9. Take of Salt.
  10. Provide of Butter.
  11. Prepare 2 tablespoons of Cream.
  12. You need 4 cups of water.

Instructions to make Creamy Corn and Capsicum Maggie with Maggie crisps:

  1. Take butter in a pan once it melts add garlic and onions and cook it until the onions r soft.
  2. Then add capsicum and corn and cook it until it is soft.
  3. Then add a little salt as Maggie tastemaker also contain salt....
  4. Add oregano,black pepper, chilli flakes and 3 Maggie tastemaker...keep aside one Maggie packet for making crisps.
  5. Then add water...when it starts boiling add 3 Maggie packets and cook it until the Maggie is done... don't over cook...then switch off the gas and add cream.
  6. In another pan add a little oil...and crush that one packet which u have kept aside...fry it till it becomes golden brown...and then take it out in a plate and sprinkle tastemaker....
  7. Serve Maggie in a plate or bowl and sprinkle the crisps on top.

Transfer corn mixture to a plate. Drizzle with more coconut milk, then top with crispy onions and sliced scallions. Serve with lime wedges alongside for I made my own crispy shallots since I couldn't get the premade ones. Very simple and delicious. only thought is that I might do this preparation with. This is NOTHING like canned creamed corn!

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